
Safety in the Netherlands
Are you in danger and need immediate help? Call the emergency number 112. Doyou not speak Dutch? Then you can also contact us via the 112NL app in your own language. Is there no immediate danger, but you do not feel safe? Then there are organisations that can help you.

Help in cases of violence and human trafficking
If you are a victim of (sexual) violence or human trafficking and need immediate help, call 112. If there is no immediate danger, but you are not safe, there are organisations that can help you.

Safe during your flight
If you are planning to flee Ukraine or know someone who wants to, it is important that your flight is as safe as possible. On this page you will find organisations that can help you.

Swimming in the Netherlands
On this page you will find information about safe swimming in the Netherlands and about swimming lessons for children.

Safety for LGBTQIA+ individuals
If you feel unsafe in the Netherlands because of your sexual orientation or you would like to report discrimination because you are an LGBTQIA+ individual, you will find information and organisations that can help you on this page.
Do you have a tip for the website?
Let us know what you're still missing or if there's anything you can't find. Based on your suggestions, RefugeeHelp can make this page even better. Please note that this form is for suggestions about the website – not for personal questions or requests. You will not receive a response to your suggestion. Please note: This form is not for personal questions. You will not receive a response. Please contact VluchtelingenWerk Nederland if you have any personal questions. You will find their details on the contact page.