Two people hug each other.
Source: Andi Weiland

Safe during your flight

Last updated: 25/09/2024, 11:31

If you are planning to flee Ukraine or know someone who wants to, it is important that your flight is as safe as possible. On this page you will find organisations that can help you.

Safety during your flight

During your flight from Ukraine, you can use 'Blue Dot Safe Spaces'. You can find the spaces along the main travel routes to several European countries. A 'Blue Dot Safe Space' offers shelter, help, information and support to anyone fleeing Ukraine.

The 'Blue Dots' have trained counsellors. You can get help with up-to-date and verified information on: 

  • Accommodation

  • Travel and services

  • Rights and obligations for temporary protection status and asylum procedures

  • Family reunification

  • Tracking down relatives

The 'Blue Dots' were set up by United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and UNICEF. They did so together with national authorities and partners.

Recognising exploitation and human trafficking

In a flyer, the national 'Coördinatiecentrum tegen Mensenhandel' (CoMensha) provides tips about how to be safe during your flight. The flyer contains information on recognising risks of exploitation and human trafficking.

If you are a victim of exploitation or human trafficking, the flyer also tells you where you can report it and where to go for help.


You can download the 'CoMensha' flyer in Ukrainian, Russian, English and Dutch.

Protect your personal data

Only share your personal information with authorities and not with intermediaries. For example, for your registration with the municipality.

This may include your:

  • Passport

  • Personal information

  • Citizen service number (BSN)

Be alert and cautious when approached by other individuals who ask for your personal information. Even if they claim to want to help you.


If you need to make a copy of your passport or identity card, make your BSN illegible. Clearly state on the copy that it is a copy and which authority is asking for it.

Using the app 'KopieID', you can easily make a secure copy of your proof of identity.

Download the 'KopieID' app from the Apple App Store.

Download the 'KopieID' app from the Google Play Store.

Did this information help you?

The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
In collaboration with Contentful