Help in cases of violence and human trafficking
If you are a victim of (sexual) violence or human trafficking and need immediate help, call 112. If there is no immediate danger, but you are not safe, there are organisations that can help you.
Domestic violence
If you do not feel safe with your host family or in the municipal reception centre or if you are a victim of domestic violence or you suspect (child) abuse in your environment, you can contact the following organisations:
Veilig Thuis
Blijf van mijn lijf
Sexual abuse and violence
If you or someone you know are a victim of sexual abuse please contact the following organisation:
Centrum Seksueel Geweld (sexual assault centre)
Safety for LGBTIQ+ people
If you feel unsafe as an LGBTIQ+ individual, at 'COC Nederland' you will find all information on safety and help for LGBTIQ+ people. The COC is an advocacy organisation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex and queer people in the Netherlands.
The Sexual Assault Center may also be able to help you with this. Visit the website using the link above. Or call "Sexual Assault Center" on (0800) 01 88.
COC Nederland
Other important organisations that can help you
Besides the 'COC Nederland', there are many other important organisations that can help you if you are not safe because of your gender or sexual orientation. Below is an overview:
Roze in Blauw
LGBT Asylum Support
Human trafficking
If you or someone you know are a victim of human trafficking, for urgent assistance, call 112. If your situation is not urgent, but you do need police assistance, please call the police via (0900) 88 44.
You can also get help from the following organisations:
La Strada International
Scharlaken Koord
Victim support
'Slachtofferhulp Nederland' offers emotional, practical and legal support to victims of violence and sexual abuse in the Netherlands.
Slachtofferhulp Nederland
Safety in taxis
Keep family and friends well informed of your location when using cabs or minivans driven by private individuals. If you do not trust the situation, leave the car if possible and contact police, family or friends.