Safety for LGBTQIA+ individuals
If you feel unsafe in the Netherlands because of your sexual orientation or you would like to report discrimination because you are an LGBTQIA+ individual, you will find information and organisations that can help you on this page.
Safety as an LGBTQIA+ individual in the Netherlands
In general, you are safe in the Netherlands as an LGBTQIA+ individual. The Netherlands is also known to be tolerant of LGBTQIA+ people. Nevertheless, people may react in an annoying, discriminatory or violent way if you openly show that you belong to the LGBTQIA+ community.
Report discrimination or violence to a special police team
If you experience an incident of discrimination or violence because you belong to the LGBTQIA+ community, you can report this to the police. You have the right to report it to the police. The police are there to enforce Dutch laws and that includes the safety of LGBTQIA+ refugees.
The Dutch police have a special LGBTQIA+ network that you can contact for such reports. That network is called 'Roze in Blauw' (Pink in Blue).
Roze in Blauw
Safe reception centre for LGBTQIA+ refugees
If you living in a reception centre for refugees and do not feel comfortable or safe there, this organization can help you:
VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN)
You can ask for help from
Contact with VluchtelingenWerk Nederland