
These are your rights and obligations in the municipality's reception centre
If you have fled from Ukraine, you often live in a municipal reception centre. As a resident there, you are entitled to various forms of help. Each municipal reception centre also has house rules you have to follow.

This is how living in the temporary reception centre arranged for you by the municipality works
If you have fled from Ukraine, your municipality must arrange a reception centre for you until you can rent accommodation yourself. You can also live with a host family temporarily.

Additional information about your care if you are under 18
Are you under 18 and have fled from Ukraine to the Netherlands without your parents? Then you will receive a place in a reception centre and help from the Nidos foundation.

This is how temporary living with a host family works
If you have fled from Ukraine, you can live temporarily with a host family. Read how it works here.

This is how renting or buying your own home works in the Netherlands
You can rent housing if you have fled Ukraine and fall under the Temporary Protection Directive (RTB). Below you will find information if you want to rent accommodation in the Netherlands yourself.

These are your rights and obligations in the municipality's reception centre
If you have fled from Ukraine, you often live in a municipal reception centre. As a resident there, you are entitled to various forms of help. Each municipal reception centre also has house rules you have to follow.

These are the rules if you want to bring pets to the Netherlands
Do you want to bring your pet to the Netherlands? Then there are a few rules you need to follow. There are also organisations that can help you.

Here is what you can do if you are uhappy with the municipality's reception centre
If you are dissatisfied with the reception centre where you are staying, you can talk to the municipality or file a complaint.

Here is what you need to know if you want to change your reception centre or host family
If you have temporary protection in the Netherlands, you are always entitled to a place in a reception centre. Even if you leave your own home or host family, you are again entitled to a place in a reception centre in the municipality. You do not have the right to change reception locations. Sometimes you can look for another host family. Read here how it works.

This is what you need to take care of when you rent or buy your own home
If you rent a house in the Netherlands, there are a number of things you need to arrange. Below you will find information about living expenses, insurance, reporting your address to the municipality and rent allowance.
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