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These are your rights and obligations in the municipality's reception centre

Last updated: 26/03/2025, 14:02

If you have fled Ukraine, you often temporarily stay in a municipal reception centre for Ukrainians (GOO). Rules apply at each municipal reception centre. It is important that you know what the rules are at your location.

The rules will be given to you by your location manager

Each reception location is different and has different rules. You are normally given these rules when you arrive at your reception centre. Rules that apply at many locations include: the prohibition of drugs, alcohol and weapons and the prohibition of making noise after 22:00.

Did you not receive the rules when you arrived at your location? Then ask your reception centre's location manager what the rules are.

Action will follow if you do not follow the rules

It is important that you follow the rules. If you do not follow the rules of the location, action may follow. Action vary from a warning to a transfer. The location manager must follow the following steps:

  • The 1st time, an employee of the location speaks to you.

  • If you do not follow the rules again after that, you may receive a 1st official warning via letter. Do you fail to follow the rules again? Then you can receive a 2nd official warning.

  • If you still do not comply after the 2nd warning, the municipality may take action. The municipality may transfer you to another municipality. Or the municipality may withhold your living allowance.

The municipality is obliged to provide for your place in a reception centre

Have you failed to comply with the rules and have to leave your current reception centre? Then the municipality where you live is obliged to arrange alternative accommodation. The municipality may not deregister you while you are still at the reception centre. A municipality may only deregister you if you have not been present at the reception location for more than 28 days.

Contact with VluchtelingenWerk Nederland

Have you been evicted from your reception location or have you been deregistered from the municipality? If so, contact VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN) immediately.

Did this information help you?

The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
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