Here is what you need to know if you want to change your reception centre or host family
If you have temporary protection in the Netherlands, you are always entitled to a place in a reception centre. Even if you leave your own home or host family, you are again entitled to a place in a reception centre in the municipality. You do not have the right to change reception locations. Sometimes you can look for another host family. Read here how it works.
You want to change municipal reception locations
Do you want to change municipal reception locations (GOO)? This is almost never possible. Due to the major shortage of places in reception centres in the Netherlands, there is no place for you in another municipal reception centre. This means that it is almost never possible to move from your current reception centre to another reception centre.
Changing reception locations is sometimes possible in special cases, for example, if you need to go to another reception centre because of a serious illness. If you have problems at your reception centre, for example because you are ill, ask your contact person at the municipality and/or your location manager for help.
You want to leave your host family and move to the municipal reception centre
Are you no longer willing or able to live with your current host family? Then you are entitled to a place in the municipal reception centre (GOO). You can then report to the reception centre in the municipality where you live. Keep in mind that many municipal reception centres are full. You may be housed in a different municipality than where you currently live.
Are you in immediate danger with your host family? Call 112. If you do not feel safe with your host family, but there is no immediate danger, you can contact the Veilig Thuis helpline at (0800) 20 00.
Finding a rental home in the Netherlands
You want to leave your own home and go to the municipal reception centre
Do you rent yourself a home and have to leave it? For example, because your rental contract is expiring or because you can no longer afford the home. Then you are entitled to a place in the municipal reception centre (GOO). You can then report to the reception centre in the municipality where you live. Keep in mind that many municipal reception centres are full. You may be housed in a different municipality than where you currently live.
You must leave the home you received through your employer
Did you get a home through your work, but your contract ends? Then you often also have to leave the home you got through your work. You are then entitled to a place in the municipal reception centre (GOO). You can then report to the reception centre in the municipality where you live. Keep in mind that many municipal reception centres are full. You may be housed in a different municipality from the one where you currently live.
Do you have a home through your work but do not know how long you can live there? Meet with your employer before the end of your contract (at least a month in advance). You can then ask if your employer plans to extend your work and housing contract.