Temporary Protection Directive
Have you fled from Ukraine to the Netherlands and want to know what rules apply to you? On this page you will find information about the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD). And the conditions to fall under that Directive. You can also read what you have to arrange yourself to get protection in the Netherlands.
Step-by-step plans (1)
This is what you need to arrange if you fall under the Temporary Protection Directive
3 steps
Have you fled from Ukraine? If so, you are probably entitled to temporary protection. Follow these steps to register for the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD) in the Netherlands.
You must meet these conditions to receive temporary protection in the Netherlands
Applying for temporary protection as a family member
Additional information on the temporary protection directive for men doing civil service in Ukraine
Passport application or renewal
Legal aid in the Netherlands
This is what your proof of residence looks like in the Netherlands
This is how to arrange a personal number (BSN) to conduct business in the Netherlands
You can apply for temporary protection in the Netherlands if you already have it in another country
The asylum procedure if you fall under the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD)
Applying for a regular residence permit
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