File your tax return with your DigiD
You need a DigiD to file your tax return in the Netherlands. Read this article about how to file your tax return with your DigiD quickly and easily.
You log in with your DigiD to file a tax return
Follow these steps to log in with your DigiD:
Visit the Dutch Tax Administration website.
Click 'Login': find the 'Login' button and click it. You will be redirected to the DigiD login page.
Enter your username and password. click on 'Login'.
Confirm with SMS code or app: if you have set up extra security, you will receive an SMS code on your phone or a notification in the DigiD app. Enter the code or confirm in the app.
Apply for a DigiD to log in to Dutch government websites
Here is what to look for when filling out your tax return
Now that you are logged in, you can begin your tax return. Follow these steps:
Click on the 'Aangifte inkomstenbelasting' (income tax return) option.
Choose the tax year for which you are filing your return, for example, 2024.
The Dutch tax authorities have already filled in a lot of information for you, such as your income and benefits. Check that this information matches your annual statement and other documents.
Include any other information. This may include additional income, deductions or savings. Use your collected documents to do this.
Run through everything again. Is all the information entered correct? This will help you avoid mistakes and possible fines.
If everything is correct, click 'Verzenden' (submit). You will get a confirmation that your declaration has been sent.
After submitting your tax return, you will receive a message from the Tax Administration
After submitting your tax return, you will receive a message from the Tax Administration within a few months. This will tell you whether you receive a refund or have to pay more. Check your post and e-mail for this message.