Licence plate number is changed on the car.
Source: Roman Zaiets

Netherlands introduces mandatory Dutch licence plate for Ukrainian cars

Published at: 06/11/2024, 00:00

Do you have a car or motorcycle with a Ukrainian licence plate? Then you have until 4 March 2025 to arrange Dutch licence plates for your vehicle. Read how to do that here.

You have to register your car yourself for a Dutch licence plate

Your car, motorcycle or scooter must have a Dutch license plate on 4 March 2025. The Dutch government wants this to better control foreign vehicles. Make sure you arrange for a Dutch license plate yourself in time.

To register your car, you need to follow several steps

To register your vehicle and get a Dutch licence plate, you need to follow a few steps, for example:

  • You start by visiting an inspection station of the

    Dienst Wegverkeer (RDW)

  • Here they check your vehicle for technical requirements and safety, such as lights, tyres and brakes.

  • If all is well, you will receive a report. You will need this report for the next steps of registration.

Look here at all the steps you need to take to get a Dutch licence plate.

You can be fined if you do not register your car

Do you not register your car on time? Then you could face fines or even a ban from driving your car in the Netherlands. The Dutch government advises Ukrainians in the Netherlands to register their vehicle as soon as possible and not wait until March.

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The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
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