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This is how to register a Ukrainian car in the Netherlands

Last updated: 17/03/2025, 09:55

Are you in the Netherlands and have a car or motorcycle with a Ukrainian license plate? Then you need to register it in the Netherlands to get a Dutch license plate. Read here step by step how to do that.

Step 1: Apply for a tax exemption for passenger cars and motorcycles

The Netherlands has a special rule for refugee Ukrainians who come to the Netherlands with their cars.

This rule means that you do not have to pay passenger car and motorcycle tax (bpm). This is called an exemption. You apply for an exemption for the passenger car and motorcycle tax (bpm) by filling in and sending the 'Aanvraag vrijstelling bpm voor motorrijtuig uit Oekraïne' (application for exemption from bpm for motor vehicle from Ukraine) form.
After that, you will receive a letter from the Dutch tax authorities telling you whether you will receive exemption.

Step 2: Your vehicle will be inspected by Dienst Wegverkeer

Once you get the letter from the Dutch tax authorities, have your vehicle checked by the Department of Road Transport (RDW).

Step 3: File a declaration for Tax on Passenger Cars and Motorcycles

If the inspection goes well, file a declaration for

Tax on Passenger Cars and Motorcycles (bpm)
. You do this with the 'bpm declaration' (Aangifte bpm) form. The Dutch tax authorities process this, and then the RDW registers your vehicle. You will then receive the Dutch registration certificate.

Step 4: Have a licence plate made

With the vehicle logbook, you can have licence plates made at a RDW location

. You put these plates on your vehicle.

Step 5: Arrange liability insurance

Do you own a car, motorcycle, moped or scooter? Then

liability insurance (WA insurance)
is mandatory. If you damage others with your motor vehicle or cause a serious accident, for example, you are insured for this. You can purchase third-party insurance from an insurer.

Step 6: Your vehicle will receive an MOT inspection

Is your vehicle older than 3 years or 4 years for gasoline vehicles? Then you need an MOT inspection. For this you make an appointment at a garage in the Netherlands. Any garage can do this inspection. You pay for this inspection yourself.

Step 7: You pay motor vehicle taxes

After your vehicle is registered, you will receive a bill for the

Motor vehicle tax (mrb)
. You pay this tax from the time your vehicle is registered, which can be earlier than 4 March 2025. How much you pay depends on your vehicle.

More questions on license plate registration

Do you have more questions about license plate registration in the Netherlands? Read the frequently asked questions and answers on the Dutch government's website here.

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The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
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