This is what happens when you arrive in the Netherlands via a port or airport
Once you have left Ukraine, you can travel to the Netherlands without a visa for the first 90 days. Do you arrive via an airport or port and have a Ukrainian passport or a permanent Ukrainian residence permit? If so, you may not be placed in a closed reception centre at Schiphol Airport. Here you can read what you can do if you end up in a closed reception centre.
You can travel to the Netherlands without a visa
For the first 90 days after you leave Ukraine, you can travel to the Netherlands without a visa. This can be by land by train, car or bus. But also by boat to a port or by plane to an airport, for example Schiphol in Amsterdam.
On arrival, the police will check if you are staying in the Netherlands for more than 90 days
Upon arrival at Schiphol Airport or through the port, the
The police can put you in the closed reception centre at Schiphol Airport if you do not have Ukrainian nationality
If, according to the KMar, you do not meet the conditions for temporary protection, the KMar will refuse you entry to the Netherlands. The KMar will take you to the closed reception centre at Schiphol. The
Arriving by land is different from arriving by water or air. If you arrive by land, you follow other steps to get temporary protection. You will not be placed in a closed reception centre and you can immediately apply for a place in a reception centre in a Dutch municipality. Or you can stay with family immediately.
This is what you need to do when arriving in the Netherlands
You have the right to a lawyer
If you are in a reception centre, you have the right to a lawyer and an interpreter. The lawyer can help you if you disagree with border detention. At Schiphol, you can also get support from
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