Travelling from Ukraine to the Netherlands
On this page you can read how to travel cheaply and safely from Ukraine to the Netherlands.
Fleeing safely
When fleeing, it is important to recognise the risks. The organisation CoMenscha provides explanations and tips on a safe flight. You can also watch the video below for information about recognising these risks.
Safely on the run
Free transportation options for people from Ukraine
You may travel free of charge the first time you travel to the Netherlands from Ukraine. Your train ticket from another European country also counts as a valid ticket in the Netherlands. On the Trainline website you will find a list of train, bus and flight companies offering free transport from Ukraine throughout Europe. In many European countries, your ID or passport is your ticket for the train or bus. Talk to a member of staff at the train station for the most up-to-date information.
Help with routes through the Romanian and Polish borders
Read below which organisations can help you if you want to flee Ukraine through the Polish or Romanian border.