This is what healthcare costs in the Netherlands if you have fled from Ukraine
If you need medical care and are wondering how much it will costs, in the Netherlands, you always have insurance that pays for basic care. For you, this insurance is called RMO. Care you need immediately or within a few hours is free.
You always get free medically necessary care in the Netherlands
It is mandatory in the Netherlands to have basic health insurance. The basic insurance pays the costs for standard care from, for example, the general practitioner, hospital or pharmacy. For you, this is arranged differently. Basic care is reimbursed for you from the Regulation Medical Care Ukraine (RMO).
You are entitled to healthcare via the RMO
The Dutch government has created a fact sheet on the reimbursement of care in English, Ukrainian and Russian. In addition, the independent organisation Zorgverzekerlingslijn has collected a lot of information about healthcare and healthcare costs. This information is also available in English and Ukrainian.
Fact sheet on healthcare costs in Ukrainian
Healthcare costs if you do not have a BSN
The RMO is for Ukrainians who are registered in the BRP. If you are not registered in a municipality, you are still entitled to free medical care. This is paid from a special subsidy for the uninsured. The healthcare provider arranges this itself. You do not have to do anything for this.
Healthcare costs if you do not have Ukrainian citizenship
If you have chosen to apply for asylum and you are no longer covered under the TPD as of 4 September and move to an asylum reception centre, you are still entitled to basic care. You then fall under the Medical Care Regulation for Asylum Seekers (RMA). Also in this case, you will not pay a contribution for the care.
Healthcare costs before 1 July 2022
You can purchase additional insurance for extra care yourself
If you need care that is not covered by the basic package, there are a few possibilities. You can pay for it yourself or you can take out your own health insurance with supplementary insurance. Please note: if you choose this option, you no longer fall under the RMO.
You can get your own health insurance if you have work and income. You can choose different supplementary insurances. For example, for glasses or contact lenses or for more physiotherapy than the basic package covers. The content of the supplementary insurance policies differs per health insurer. It varies per insurer whether the information is also available in English. Check this on the insurer's website.
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