General allowances
On this page you will find more information about the different types of allowances in the Netherlands.
There are many different allowances in the Netherlands. Allowances are financial compensations for expenses. For example, there is rental allowance for paying rent and health care allowance for paying your health insurance. Whether you are entitled to these allowances depends on your personal circumstances.
Creating a DigiD
To apply for allowances and settle taxes, you need a DigiD. DigiD stands for "digital identity". With your DigiD you show who you are when you want to arrange something with a government organisation on the internet. You can apply for a DigiD yourself.
A contact person from
How to use DigiD
Healthcare allowance
If you have a citizen service number (BSN), you are covered under the Medical Care for Displaced Persons Regulation (RMO). This means you are insured for medical expenses without having to pay.
In a special situation, you may choose to buy your own health insurance. Sometimes you are then also entitled to healthcare allowance. Healthcare allowance is a contribution to the cost of your health insurance. When applying for this allowance, the amount of your income, your own assets and those of your 'toeslagpartner' (allowance partner) are taken into account. You can apply or find more information through the Dutch tax authorities website. If you need help, ask the municipality where you live and/or VluchtelingenWerk which institution can support you with this.
Contact with VluchtelingenWerk Nederland
Contact with VluchtelingenWerk Nederland
Rental allowance
Rental allowance is an allowance from the government to help pay the rent on your home. You must meet the following conditions to be entitled to rental allowance:
Your income should not be too high
You cannot earn too much. Do you live alone or do you live together? Then the amounts are different. On the website of the Dutch tax authorities you can calculate whether you are entitled to rent allowance. Do you have children living at home with an income? Then their income is partially or fully taken into account when applying for the allowance.
Your rent should not be too high
This amount changes slightly each year. You can find what the rent limit is on the website of the Dutch tax authorities. Are all residents younger than 23? Then the maximum rent is lower, unless you already have a child living with you.
You must have independent living accommodation
A self-contained unit at least has its own lockable front door, kitchen and toilet. But not all self-contained accommodations can be subsidised. For example, you cannot get a rental allowance for a houseboat or a recreational home. For some non-self-contained accommodations, however, you can get a rental allowance.
Your assets (savings) should not be too high
You should also not have too many assets, such as savings.