This is how to learn the Dutch language yourself if you fled from Ukraine
Do you want to learn Dutch and are not following a compulsory education or course? Then there are several ways you can still learn Dutch. Here you can read about the ways you can learn Dutch yourself.
Learn Dutch online if you speak Ukrainian or Russian
Karibu App: You can learn Dutch through this free app. You download the app via the
App Store orGoogle Play .Juf NaTAALka: Juf NaTAALka makes teaching videos on YouTube for Ukrainian people who want to learn Dutch. Juf NaTAALka was born and raised in Kiev and has lived in the Netherlands for many years. In cooperation with
, she teaches you the Dutch language in a fun way.Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland (VWN)
Learning the Dutch language online if you speak English
Do you already speak English in addition to your native language? Then you can use these apps to learn Dutch.
The Duolingo app lets you practice daily. You will learn words, phrases and grammar. It is free to use.Memrise:
This app helps you learn the Dutch language with videos of real people speaking Dutch. DutchPod101: Another way to learn Dutch is to listen to these podcasts, where you can listen to conversations in Dutch. You can listen to this podcast on Spotify.
Online introduction course: A few times a year, the University of Groningen (RUG) offers a
free online course to learn Dutch from English .
Learning Dutch from a Dutch volunteer
If you want to learn Dutch from a Dutch person, there are also organisations that can match you with a Dutch person who will help you with the language. This is called a language buddy or language volunteer. These organisations can put you in touch with a Dutch person who can help you with the language:
Het Begint met Taal': This organisation helps find a language buddy in your neighbourhood.Municipality: Many municipalities have language buddies who are willing to practice with you for free. Check with your municipality on how to contact a language buddy.
Learn Dutch for free at the library
Many libraries in the Netherlands offer free opportunities to learn Dutch. The library can help you with the following things:
Books: You can borrow books specifically for learning Dutch.
Activities and language groups: Many libraries organise free activities such as language cafes or practice groups, where you can practice Dutch with others.
Digital resources: A library card often gives you access to free e-books and online language resources.
Learning Dutch through a paid course
If you want to learn Dutch with a teacher, you can go to school. There are courses and language schools for learning Dutch as a second language.
There are many different language courses and language schools where you can learn Dutch. In the Netherlands you have two types of language schools: Language schools attached to an ROC (Regional Training Center) or commercial language schools. An ROC is a school for intermediate vocational education where you can often take language courses. ROCs often offer courses for adults, such as language courses. There is an ROC in many cities.
Commercial language schools offer the same courses, but these schools do not offer other courses. Ask your social worker at the municipality or from VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN) where you can find a language course in your area.