Diploma evaluation in the Netherlands under the Temporary Protection Directive
If you obtained a diploma in Ukraine and want to study (or continue studying), you need to have your diploma evaluated. This way you know at what level you can study in the Netherlands. You can have 1 diploma evaluated free of charge.
What does a diploma evaluation entail?
A diploma evaluation involves comparing your diploma with the Dutch level of education. In the Netherlands, you can study at different levels. For each level you need a certain diploma.
Many jobs in the Netherlands also require a diploma of a certain level. A diploma evaluation compares your foreign diploma with the Dutch education system.
Where can you apply for a diploma evaluation?
You can request a credential evaluation from the organisation 'International credential evaluation' (IDW). A credential evaluation takes up to 4 months.
How much does a diploma evaluation cost?
You can have 1 diploma evaluated for free if 1 of the following situations applies to you:
You started the civic integration process on 1 January 2015 or later.
You are becoming a Dutch citizen (naturalising).
You applied for a permanent residence permit from the
.Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)
Do none of the above situations apply to you or do you already have a civic integration diploma? Then it costs € 148.83 to have your diploma evaluated.
Please note: Until 1 January 2025, refugees from Ukraine could also have 1 diploma evaluated for free at the IDW. But since 1 January 2025 this is no longer possible because there is no money for this anymore. From 1 January 2025, refugees from Ukraine can only apply for a paid diploma evaluation.
International credential evaluation (IDW)
What is on a diploma evaluation?
A diploma evaluation is a document containing:
Your name and date of birth.
What training you did and how long it lasted.
Where and when you took the training.
What diploma you earned.
With which Dutch education level your diploma is comparable.
The diploma evaluation is in Dutch and is digitally signed.
You can have these diplomas evaluated
The IDW does not compare all diplomas.
The IDW does compare these diplomas:
Nationally recognised diplomas.
Diplomas whose training lasted at least 1,000 hours.
The IDW does not compare these degrees:
Certificates and diplomas from short training sessions and courses.
Diplomas that are not internationally recognised.
Dutch diplomas.
You may receive an evaluation for a course you did not complete
If you took a training course but did not finish it, IDW can also conduct a training evaluation. For this, you must have completed at least 1 year of training.