This is what you need to arrange financially if your family situation changes
If your family situation changes, it can affect your income and expenses. Whether you move in together, get married, have a child, separate, or lose a partner. This article tells you what you need to do in case of family changes.
You start living together
If you start living together, it will affect your benefits, allowances and possibly your taxes. Here are the most important things you need to take care of:
Register the fact that you are living together with the municipality
Report changes for your benefits
Check your allowances and adjust them
You can arrange joint contents insurance
You are getting married or entering into a civil partnership
When you get married or enter into a civil partnership, in financial terms you become official partners for the Dutch tax authorities. This can affect your allowances, benefits and taxes.
Report changes for your benefits
Check your allowances and adjust them
You can arrange joint contents insurance
You can now file your annual tax return together
Arrange your pension for when 1 of you dies
You can make a will
You have a child
When you have a child, your financial situation also changes. The birth of a child causes you and your partner to automatically become financial partners according to the Dutch tax authorities. You may also receive certain allowances and child benefit. This is what you need to arrange:
You automatically become a payment partner
Check your allowances and adjust them
You can apply for child benefit
Sometimes you can apply for child budget
You are separating or getting divorced
Divorce or no longer living together involves many financial and administrative issues. Here are the most important steps.
You are no longer an allowance partner
You deregister at the address
You arrange child support
You adjust your insurance and pensions
You divide your joint assets
Your partner dies
The death of a partner has emotional and financial consequences. When your partner dies and you have to make funeral arrangements, it costs money. If your partner has funeral insurance, that insurance will cover the funeral or a large part of it. Sometimes you will also receive an inheritance from your partner. You need to arrange the following in terms of finances when your partner dies: