A woman is supported in completing documents by her contact at VluchtelingenWerk Nederland.
Source: VluchtelingenWerk Nederland / Goedele Monnens

Applying for family reunification with the IND for your family members

Last updated: 25/09/2024, 11:28

Do your family members meet the conditions for family reunification? And have you had the documents you need translated? Then you can start an application for family reunification with the IND. On this page you can read what to do.

Applying for a visa for your family members

You apply for family reunification at the

Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)
. The IND recommends that you make the application for your family member.

The IND tests whether you will get the permit. If you will, your family member will get an

at the embassy. This is a visa to travel with. Upon arrival in the Netherlands, your family member will receive the residence permit.

You can apply for family reunification in several ways

You can apply for family reunification with the IND in 2 ways:

  • Online

  • In writing by post

Online: 'Aanvraagformulier gezinshereniging regulier' (application form for regular family reunification)

On the IND website, you can fill out the family reunification form online. Do not choose the option 'nareis' (post-travel) because this is for people who apply for family reunification within 3 months of their residence permit.

In writing: 'Aanvraagformulier gezinshereniging regulier' (application form for regular family reunification)

You can download the family reunification application form on the IND website.

This is what the application for family reunification costs

If you apply for family reunification more than 3 months after getting your residence permit, it costs money. The application for family reunification costs €210.

You will not get this money back if your application is rejected. Therefore, always check that your application is complete before sending it to the IND.

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The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
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