After family reunification, you may be able to get your own residence permit
Did you come to the Netherlands because your family member applied for family reunification for you? Then you will not receive your own residence permit, but a residence permit linked to that of your family member. You can apply for your own permit. You can read more about it on this page.
With family reunification, you get a derived residence permit
In the Netherlands, there are 2 different types of asylum residence permits. The
Below you will read the difference between the 2 types of asylum residence permit:
A derived asylum residence permit
A derived residence permit is based on your relative's residence permit in the Netherlands. How long your residence permit is valid depends on how long your family member's residence permit is valid. The permit is in your family member's name.
An independent asylum residence permit
An independent residence permit means that you yourself applied for asylum in the Netherlands. And that you yourself have been granted asylum in the Netherlands. The residence permit is in your name.
With a derived permit, you depend on your family member in the Netherlands
An independent residence permit remains valid for 5 years. When it is about to expire, you can ask the IND to extend it. You can also ask for a permanent residence permit at that time. With a derived permit, you cannot do this yourself.
The IND can also stop your derived residence permit if your relationship with your family member ends, for example, because your family member dies. Or because your partner and you separate. Does the IND stop your family member's permit? Then chances are that the IND will also stop your derived residence permit.
You can apply for an independent asylum residence permit from the IND
Do you have a derived residence permit but would like to get your own? If so, you can still apply for an independent residence permit if you meet certain conditions. You do this by applying for asylum yourself at the IND. This is only possible if you are already in the Netherlands.