Paying taxes if you are a business owner in the Netherlands
If you are a business owner in the Netherlands, you have to pay taxes. Every 3 months you have to file a tax return. As a business owner, you pay tax on your profit and on your turnover.
You pay VAT to the Dutch tax authorities
As a business owner, you are required to pay VAT. This is called
You can deduct the VAT you paid to suppliers. So you pay VAT on the difference between your purchase price (including expenses) and selling price.
You file tax returns every 3 months
You must file a tax return with the Tax Administration every 3 months. You do this in the tax portal on their website. How you log in depends on your situation:
You are self-employed: you log in with your
.DigiDYou have a company that is a legal entity, such as a private limited company: you use
to log in.Eherkenning
You can also employ an accountant or bookkeeper to do the VAT return for you. Agree the cost of this in advance with your accountant or bookkeeper.
It is mandatory to file a tax return every 3 months, even if your income is € 0. If you do not file your tax return, you could receive a high fine from the Tax Administration. The Tax Administration will then make an estimate of your income and the tax you have to pay.
You report each year how much profit you made
As a business owner, you must file an annual tax return of your company's profits. The Dutch Tax Administration uses this to calculate how much
You can also employ an accountant or bookkeeper to do the annual tax return for you. Agree the cost of this tax return in advance with your accountant or bookkeeper.
You can combine self-employed work with salaried employment
You can work in salaried employment and have your own business at the same time. You must then file tax returns for both jobs.
In the Netherlands, you must work at least 1,225 hours a year in your own business to deduct certain expenses from your taxes. These are the deductions. You must be able to prove that you worked 1,225 hours.
If you do not do this, you will miss out on many financial benefits. If you are in this situation, you can contact the tax information line or stop by a tax information point for more information. You can also contact an accountant or bookkeeper.