You pass your civic integration
If you have passed your civic integration exams and signed the declaration of participation (PVT), you have finished your civic integration and will receive a diploma.
Results of your civic integration exam
You will receive the results of your civic integration exams within 8 weeks of taking your last exam. You will receive the results by letter from
'Mijn inburgering' (my civic integration)
You will receive a diploma
If you take the 'B1-route' (B1 pathway) or the 'Onderwijsroute' (educational pathway), you will receive a diploma. You will receive the diploma at home within 4 weeks. The diploma states which language level you have achieved with your civic integration.
If you take the 'Zelfredzaamheidsroute' (self-sufficiency pathway), you do not get a diploma, but a different kind of proof. A certificate. You get this certificate from the municipality. The certificate states that you have passed your civic integration and what level of language you have.
Download an official proof of your civic integration diploma
If you need official proof of your civic integration, you can show your diploma or download proof. You can do this 2 weeks after the results of your last exam. After that, you can download proof from 'Mijn diploma's' (my diplomas) from DUO. This proof is called an 'uittreksel' (extract).
The extract has the same value as an official copy of your civic integration diploma. The extract is free of charge. Only use the extract digitally. A printed extract is not valid.
'Mijn diploma's' (my diplomas)
Civic integration is required for a permanent residence permit
If you want to apply for a permanent residence permit in the Netherlands, you must have passed your civic integration, in addition to a number of other conditions.