Applying for welfare benefits with an asylum residence permit
Are you out of work and do not have enough income or money in the bank to live on? Then you are probably entitled to benefits. This is a monthly payment from the government. You can read more about it on this page.
You get welfare benefits if you are not entitled to other benefits
Welfare benefits are money you get if you have no income or not enough to live on. You only get this if you are not entitled to other benefits, such as unemployment benefits (WW).
You can apply for welfare benefits if you do not have a job and have not yet worked in the Netherlands. Or if you have worked less than 26 weeks (6 months) in the past 36 weeks (8 months).
Conditions for welfare benefits
You are entitled to welfare benefits in the Netherlands if you meet these conditions:
You live in the Netherlands and are a Dutch citizen or have a valid residence permit.
You are 18 years of age or older.
You do not have enough income or assets to live on, such as for rent and food.
You are not eligible for other benefits.
You are not in jail.
You apply for welfare benefits from the municipality
Municipalities arrange welfare benefits for people who live in their municipality. Sometimes you have to do something in return for your benefit. This could be volunteer work, for example, or taking Dutch lessons.
Want to apply for welfare benefits? You can do so online or at the municipality. Follow these steps to apply for welfare benefits online:
Go to
www.werk.nl and click on 'uitkering' (benefits).Click on the blue button 'Inschrijven als werkzoekende / bijstandsuitkering aanvragen' (register as a job seeker / apply for welfare benefits).
Log in with your DigiD.
Complete the application.
If you prefer to apply for welfare benefits at the municipality, you usually need to make an appointment with your municipality first.
If you borrowed money to furnish your home you may get a little less benefit
Have you borrowed money from the municipality to furnish your home? Then the municipality can use part of your welfare benefits each month to repay that loan. You will then receive slightly less benefit each month until the loan is repaid.
Apply for welfare benefits as soon as possible
Are you entitled to welfare benefits? Then you will receive it from the day of application to the municipality. You will not receive welfare benefits for a period prior to your application. Make your application as soon as possible to avoid losing money.
You can get support in applying for benefits
Your contact at