Police car with flashing light.
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Safety in the Netherlands

Last updated: 25/09/2024, 11:28

Are you in danger and need immediate help? Call the emergency number 112. Doyou not speak Dutch? Then you can also contact us via the 112NL app in your own language. Is there no immediate danger, but you do not feel safe? Then there are organisations that can help you.

Emergency numbers 112 and the 112NL app

Are you in urgent need of police, ambulance or fire departments? Call 112. The employees of 112 speak Dutch or English.

You can also use the 112NL app if you do not speak Dutch or English. Through the 3 call buttons at the bottom of the screen you can choose which emergency service you want to reach; the police, fire department or ambulance. There is also a chat available if you have trouble hearing or do not speak the language. The chat is automatically translated into your chosen language. The rest of the app is only available in Dutch or English.

There are some conditions for using the 112NL app:

  • You must have an internet connection

  • You must have a SIM card in your phone

  • You cannot use the app outside the Netherlands

112 App for Android

Install the app for Android here. 112NL is the official app of the Dutch emergency services of police, fire, ambulance and Royal Netherlands Marechaussee. In an emergency situation you can call through 112NL.

112 App for Apple

Install the app for Apple here. 112NL is the official app of the Dutch emergency services of police, fire, ambulance and Royal Netherlands Marechaussee. In an emergency situation you can call through 112NL.

Police without emergency

If you need the assistance of the police in a non-urgent manner, you can call the following phone numbers:

  • For non-urgent incidents and enquiries: (0900) 88 44.

  • For people who are deaf or have difficulty hearing: (0900) 18 44.

  • For reporting crimes (anonymously): (0800) 70 00.

Urgent (but not life-threatening) care

The general practitioner is the first point of contact in case of health issues. The 'huisartenspost' is there for general practitioners' care during evenings, nights, weekends and holidays.

The telephone number of the 'huisartsenpost' varies from one municipality to another. Search online for the phone number of the 'huisartsenpost' in your municipality.

Call 112 in the event of a life-threatening situation.

Other important organisations

In addition to the police and 'huisartsenpost' (GP's office), there are many other important organisations in the Netherlands that can help you. Below is an overview:

The fire service

If it is not an emergency, but you need the fire service, you can find the phone numbers of the various fire regions on the fire service website.

113 Suicide Prevention

If you or someone close to you is thinking about suicide, talking helps and you can do so anonymously. Chat via the website of 113 Suicide Prevention or call toll-free (0800) 01 13.

Alarms in the Netherlands

There are several alarms in the Netherlands. The most important are the air alert and NL-Alert.

Air alert

On the 1st Monday of each month, the authorities test the air raid alarm at noon. Sirens go off for about 90 seconds. There is nothing to worry about at that time, and you don't have to do anything.

At any other time, if the sirens go off several times in a row, this is an emergency. You should go inside and close windows and doors immediately.


Besides the air raid alarm, NL-Alert is used in the Netherlands. NL-Alert is the alert message you receive via your mobile phone in a life and health threatening emergency situation. The NL-Alert informs you on what is going on and what you should do.

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The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
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