Children search for Easter eggs
Source: Shutterstock / Monkey Business Images

Celebrating Good Friday and Easter in the Netherlands

Published at: 22/03/2024, 00:00

Good Friday and Easter are public holidays in the Netherlands. This year, Good Friday is on 29 March 2024 and Easter is on 31 March and 1 April 2024. On these days, most people in the Netherlands do not have to work and celebrate these holidays.

Traditionally, Good Friday and Easter are Christian holidays

Good Friday is a day Christians commemorate when Jesus was crucified. For Christians, this day centres around the sacrifice Jesus made for humanity. According to the Bible, Jesus paid the debt of sin with his death.

During Easter, Christians celebrate that Jesus rose from the dead. According to the Bible, Jesus rose from the dead on the Sunday after his crucifixion. There are special church services on both holidays.

In the Netherlands, more than 57 percent are not religious, according to

Statistics Netherlands (CBS)
. Yet non-Christian Dutch also celebrate Easter. They then celebrate the beginning of spring.

Many stores closed during Easter

On Easter Sunday (always a Sunday), many shops are closed in the Netherlands. On Easter Monday (always on a Monday) and Good Friday, many shops are open, but some shops have different opening hours.

Most people get time off from work or school

On Good Friday and during Easter, many people do not have to go to work or school. But not everyone has the time off. For example, if you work in healthcare or hospitality, you often have to work. Unless you ask your employer for time off and your request is approved.

Celebration of Good Friday and Easter in the Netherlands

The Dutch celebrate the 2 days of Easter in different ways. Some go to church for a special Easter service, others are together with family and friends. At Easter, people often join each other for breakfast, but this can also be a brunch or dinner. There are also events such as: Easter markets, Easter bonfires and parades.

Many Dutch people hide eggs in the garden or some other place outside during Easter. This is a tradition that involves the Easter Bunny. This is a made-up rabbit that hides eggs for children in the spring. In reality, parents often hide chicken eggs and chocolate Easter eggs for children. The children then have to find these eggs. Children also paint eggs in different colours before Easter. This is also often done at school.

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The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
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