Asylum seekers may temporarily lodge with family or friends because COA's reception centres are regularly too full.
Source: Take Care BNB / Lotte de Graaf Photography

This is how lodging with a host family while in the asylum process works

Last updated: 15/11/2024, 10:04

There is limited space in the Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA). Therefore, you can also lodge temporarily with family or friends. Your lodging does not affect your asylum procedure. Read here how it works.

This is how lodging with family and friends works

If you are living in a

reception centre and do you have a
citizen service number (BSN)
, you can stay with relatives for 3 months. COA calls this the stay arrangement. During the stay you no longer have a bed at COA. You must continue to report every week to COA and the
Department of Aliens Police, Identification and Human Trafficking (AVIM)
. You can do this by calling. You do not have to go to the reception centre for this.

Lodging with friends or family does not affect your asylum procedure. You will not have to wait any longer, nor will you be put on a waiting list. COA only wants to use the stay arrangement to reduce crowding in reception centres.

These are the conditions for lodging with family or friends

If you want to lodge with family or friends, you must meet the following conditions:

  • You are not in a Dublin procedure and you are not from a

    safe country of origin

  • You are 18 years of age or older

  • You have a citizen service number (BSN).

  • If you have children, you should lodge near the school your children attend. That way, your children can continue to attend the same school.

  • You have a general practitioner in the municipality or close to the municipality where you will be lodging, or you have the option of registering with the GP of the people with whom you will be lodging.

  • You do not need intensive medical treatments or complicated care.

This is how you get a personal number (BSN) to handle your affairs in the Netherlands

On this page you can read how to get a citizen service number (BSN).

These are your rights while lodging

While lodging, you are still entitled to:

  • Living allowance and food money from COA. If you are 21 years of age or older, you are temporarily entitled to 75 euros extra per week. This amount is lower if you are lodging with several family members.

  • Reimbursement for your care. You do not have to arrange your own medical care during your stay. You are still covered by the

    Regeling Medische zorg Asielzoekers (RMA)
    . You are also entitled to money to travel to your doctor or hospital. You can request this from COA.

This is what you need to arrange when you go to lodge with friends or family

If you would like to lodge with friends or family, get in touch with your contact at COA or go to the Information Desk. COA employees will explain what you need to do to be able to lodge with them. COA will meet with you beforehand to determine whether you meet the conditions for lodging. COA also explains your rights and obligations.

If COA decides that you can lodge, you and the people you are lodging with will sign a lodging contract. This is because lodging can have financial consequences for the people with whom you are lodging. For example, benefits or allowances. Your contact person at COA will give you a letter explaining the financial consequences. You give this letter to the people with whom you want to lodge. They must sign the letter once they have read it. This is part of the contract.

After the contract is signed, arrange the following things:

  • Register with the municipality at the address where you will be lodging. This must be done within 5 days of the start of your stay.

  • If you also have a supervisor from VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN), please also inform your supervisor from VWN that you will be lodging with them.

  • If you would like to register with the same GP as the people you are lodging with, you can register there.

After 3 months, you may be able to extend the lodging

Are you still in the asylum procedure after 3 months of lodging? And you are not yet entitled to a home? Then you can ask to lodge for longer with your friends or family. You apply for this extension at the COA.

Do you, your family or friends no longer want to lodge? Then you will be given another place in COA's reception facilities. This may be in a different place than the one you were in before. Is your asylum application rejected during the lodging? Then you will have to return to the COA reception centre.

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The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
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