Two people at work in a vegetable garden

Volunteering with a W-document

Last updated: 9/25/2024, 11:25 AM

You may volunteer if you have applied for asylum and have a W-document for 1 year. Read more about the conditions, where you can volunteer and how to find volunteer work here.

Volunteering is unpaid work

Volunteering is work you do for others or for society without getting paid for it. You can volunteer if you enjoy it, or if you want to gain work experience. Through volunteer work you can also practice the Dutch language and meet Dutch people.

Sometimes you receive compensation for your volunteer work

Sometimes you get compensation when you volunteer. For example, for travel expenses or other costs you incur. This compensation does not affect the living and food allowance you receive from COA. This is because the compensation is not income.

Since 1 January 2024, you may receive up to €210 per month or €2100 per year in compensation for your volunteer work. You may also receive compensation other than money. For example, a gift certificate or free training or workshop.

You need a volunteer statement

If you have found an organisation where you want to volunteer, this organisation must request a volunteer statement from the

Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen (UWV)
. A volunteer statement is a letter stating that your volunteer work is not a paid job.

Once the organisation has received confirmation of the application, you may begin your volunteer work. The UWV will make a decision on the application within 2 weeks. You do not have to wait for the UWV's decision.

Sometimes you need a Certificate of Good Conduct (CGC)

Sometimes you may need a

Certifacte of Good Conduct (CGC)
for work or volunteer work. Usually the organisation will apply for this CGC for you. You do not need a
to apply for a CGC.

You can find volunteer work at these places

You can do volunteer work in many places, such as a community centre, a school or a library. You can ask your contact at the

Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA)
or the
Dutch Council for Refugees (VWN)
about the possibilities. You can also go to a 'Meedoenbalie'. This is a participation desk where COA offers (volunteer) work in cooperation with volunteer organisations in the neighbourhood. 40 COA reception centres have a participation desk. You can ask a COA employee whether your reception centre has such a desk.

You can also volunteer at the reception centre

You can volunteer at the COA reception centre. For example, by helping to clean and maintain the buildings or garden, or by helping with translation. You can do this work for a maximum of 25 hours a week. You will receive a maximum allowance of €14 per week. You can get information about this at the COA information desk.

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