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This is what you can do if the IND rejects your asylum application

Last updated: 18/02/2025, 23:34

The Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND) rejects your application for asylum. You will then receive a letter from the IND. This article explains what happens then and what you can do yourself.

You get a letter from the IND saying they plan to reject your asylum application

After the 2nd interview with you in the asylum procedure, the

Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)
makes a preliminary decision. If they plan to approve or reject your asylum application. You will receive a letter about this from the IND. This letter is called a 'voornemen' (intention).

The letter states the reasons for the rejection or approval and what the consequences are for you. You discuss the letter from the IND with your lawyer. Your lawyer then has 1 day to respond to the IND in a letter. This letter from the lawyer is called the 'zienswijze' (standpoint). In the standpoint, you and your lawyer can explain why you disagree with the IND's preliminary decision.

You get a 2nd letter from the IND saying that they are really going to reject or still approve your asylum application

After receiving and reading your lawyer's letter, the IND will make a final decision. It may be that the IND still rejects your asylum application. It may also be that the IND approves your application for asylum after all. This final decision is called a 'beschikking' (decision).

If the IND definitively rejects your asylum application you can go to court

Does the IND reject your application? Then you can appeal to the court with the help of your lawyer. Talk to your lawyer about whether you want to do this. If your lawyer appeals for you, the court will look at whether or not the IND's decision is correct. The court will only look at whether the IND carried out the procedure properly, but will not assess the substance of your case.

If you appeal to the court against the IND's decision, you may remain in the Netherlands until the court makes a decision.

If the court decides that the IND did not carry out the procedure properly, the IND must make a new decision. If the court decides that the IND did carry out the procedure properly, you can discuss with your lawyer what you want to do then. You have 3 options:

1. You go to a higher court

2. Je doet een nieuwe asielaanvraag 

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The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
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