You are waiting for the 2nd interview with the IND
After the 1st interview with the Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND), you have to wait for the 2nd interview with the IND. You can use this waiting period as time to prepare. The waiting period currently takes an average of 63 weeks.
Collect your documents during the waiting period
It is important that during the waiting period you collect as many documents as possible that support your identity and your flight story. The lawyer you get before the 2nd interview with the IND will need these documents during the asylum procedure to help you as much as possible.
This is how to submit documents to the IND during the asylum procedure
You will receive information from VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN)
VWN can also help you with legal support. And with gathering documents and evidence. Help from VWN is independent and free.
You might get a tuberculosis test
Sometimes you will be given a tuberculosis test - this depends on your country of origin. A nurse in the reception centre examines whether you have the disease tuberculosis. If necessary, the nurse will take an X-ray of your lungs. If you do have tuberculosis, you will be given medicine for this.
Always come to the tuberculosis test. If you do not get tested, the IND may stop your procedure. So make sure you come to the appointment.
Tuberculosis country list
Your stay during the waiting period
Sometimes, during the waiting period, you are transferred several times to other reception centres in the Netherlands. This is because there is currently too little space in reception centres. Due to this, many
Read more here about reception centres during the waiting period
There is a long waiting period for the 2nd interview
As the IND is too busy, it cannot manage to process all asylum applications in time. After the 1st interview with the IND, you currently have to wait an average of 63 weeks until you have a second interview with the IND.
Some people have to wait longer than others. It is often not clear why some people are up for the 2nd interview with the IND before others. It may be related to your country of origin, but this is not always the case.