Forced return to your country of origin
If you do not return independently to your country of origin, the Dutch government can forcibly return you. If you are forcibly removed, you will receive little or no money or support. You can read more about forced return on this page.
Asylum application rejected
If the
If your lawyer appeals the IND's ruling, you may often wait for the decision of the court in the Netherlands.
Independent return
If the IND has definitively rejected your asylum application, you will receive a letter about this. This is called the 'beschikking'.
This means that the Dutch government requires you to return to your country of origin. If you choose to return, you can get support from different organisations.
Forced return
If you choose not to cooperate in returning to your country of origin, the Dutch government may impose a security deposit that you will get back when you leave.
If the government thinks you intend to stay in the Netherlands illegally, you can be placed in immigration detention. This means you have to stay in a kind of prison until you are forcibly returned to your country of origin.
The journey
Forced departures are usually made by plane via regular flights. Sometimes a special flight is used for them. For example, when many people from the same country return to their country of origin at the same time.
If there are indications that you are going to resist deportation, employees of the
Little to no support for forced returns
Opportunities for reintegration support are limited if you are forced to return to your country of origin. In some situations, you can receive reintegration support. This support consists of items and/or assistance with a maximum value of €1,000.