People in a crisis emergency reception centre in a sports hall

This is how living in a temporary reception centre works

Last updated: 14/11/2024, 11:29

You are staying in a temporary reception centre because the normal reception centre is full. It is often not clear how long you will have to stay here. Sometimes you will have to move between multiple temporary reception centres.

Temporary reception centres

The temporary reception centre has fewer facilities than the normal reception centre. For example, the reception centre could be a sports hall, a large tent or an old school that is used temporarily. You often sleep there with several people in the same room (on a camp bed or in bunk beds). The municipality where you are staying is responsible for the reception centre. If your family member is staying in a regular reception centre and you in a temporary reception centre, you cannot usually move your family member because there is no room.

This is what you are entitled to in the temporary reception centre

  • A bed

  • Food and drinks

  • A package with personal care products (soap and shampoo)

  • Medical care

You are also entitled to a

living allowance
once your asylum procedure has officially started. This is when you have received an invitation for the second interview with the
Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)

The facilities in temporary reception centres

  • There is often Wi-Fi.

  • There is often no kitchen to cook your own meals. You receive meals.

  • There are fewer activities than in normal reception centres. Sometimes you can take Dutch lessons. Or do voluntary work. Tell the staff at the reception centre what you want to do. There are sometimes possibilities.

  • You may leave the grounds at any time during the day. Be reachable in case you receive post or a phone call about your asylum procedure. You are responsible for this yourself.

  • If you have an invitation from the IND for an interview, the reception centre will provide transportation. You do not have to pay for this yourself.

  • You are allowed to carry around 20 kilograms of things with you in the temporary reception centre.

Please note: If you have not yet applied for asylum (and therefore do not yet have a V-number), you are not insured. Report this during the consultation hour with

VluchtelingenWerk (VWN)
or the
Centraal Orgaan opvang Asielzoekers (COA)
in the reception centre. They will report this. You will then receive an invitation for your registration as soon as possible.

Children in temporary reception centres

  • All children under 18 years of age have the right to education. In temporary reception centres, there is sometimes no education for children. This is usually due to a shortage of teachers. VWN is in discussions with the government to improve this.

  • In the temporary centre, there are often very few activities organised for children. Such as games, music and sports. Sometimes there is little space for children to play.

You might not be accommodated in the temporary emergency reception centre if:

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The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
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