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Living allowance ends for refugees from Ukraine with jobs
Published at: 6/27/2024, 12:00 AM

You will no longer receive living allowance from 1 July 2024 if you have a job or other income of your own. If you earn money yourself, the municipality is also going to ask you to help pay for your reception centre. That is what the Dutch government has decided. Read here how it works.

You no longer get living allowance if you have an income

From 1 July 2024, you will no longer get living allowance if you work or otherwise have an income. Some people who had fled from Ukraine already no longer get living allowance. From 1 July, this will apply to all refugees from Ukraine aged 18 and older who earn money. It does not matter how high your income is.

Not only income from work applies to this new rule. In the following situations, you will no longer receive living allowance:

  • If you make money because you have a job

  • If you receive income from an

    unemployment benefit (WW-benefit)

  • If you receive benefits because you are long-term sick or unable to work

Not sure if your income counts because it is not one of the above situations? Then contact your contact person at the municipality.

You will also be co-paying for your reception centre in the municipality

Do you have an income and stay in a municipal reception centre (GOO)? Then you will also pay a co-payment as of 1 July 2024. This is money you pay to the municipality where you live for your reception centre. With this money, the municipality can pay some of the costs for your reception centre such as gas, water and electricity. If cooking is done for you at your location, you will also have to pay a contribution for that.

For gas, water and electricity you will pay €105 per person. This applies to everyone with an income who is 18 years or older. Does a family consist of two people aged 18 or older and children? Then a family pays a maximum of twice € 105. That is € 210.

If meals are cooked for you at your location, you must pay an additional amount of up to €242.48. Even if you do not (always) eat them. Does a family consist of two persons of 18 years or older and children? Then a family pays a maximum of twice the maximum amount of € 242.48. That is € 484.96.

The government is introducing this co-payment because it considers it fairer. Other refugee groups in the Netherlands already pay a co-payment if they have an income. After paying your own contribution, you will keep at least as much money as if you were not working and only receiving living allowance.

You still get living allowance if you have no income

Do you have no income? Then you continue to receive living allowance. You also do not have to pay a contribution for the municipal reception centre and for the food you get there.

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