Man works in a cafe as a barista.
Source: Cottonbro Studio

Your job prospects are greater with these occupations

Published at: 27/08/2024, 00:00

Are you looking for a job in the Netherlands? For some occupations a lot of people are needed in the coming year. You then have a better chance of finding a job quickly. In this article you can read more about high-potential occupations.

Jobs in the Netherlands with good career perspectives


Uitvoeringsinstituut Werknemersverzekeringen (UWV)
makes an annual list of occupations with a high job opportunity. So you know in which sectors you have a good chance of finding a job.

People with a W-document more likely to find work

Are you still in the asylum procedure, but have you been in the Netherlands for more than 6 months? Then you may also work in the Netherlands, and since November 2023 you may also work more than 24 weeks per year. Because of this, it is now easier for you to find a job in the Netherlands. Last year, 3 times as many people with a

found a job, from 600 to 2,000 people. This year, the UWV expects 7,000 people to find work.

These occupational groups and jobs now in high demand

In 2024, there are promising occupations. At

MBO level
, these occupations are:

  • Travel agents

  • Fitness instructors

  • Shoemakers

Also at

HBO level
WO level
promising occupations have emerged, such as:

  • Social studies teachers, such as social studies and geography

  • Lawyers

  • Hydrologists and water management consultants

These are sectors and jobs that have long been in demand

According to the UWV, there is a high demand for personnel in the sectors below, so you have a better chance of finding a job in one. There are also jobs for which you do not necessarily need to speak Dutch, such as in IT. Sectors that are in high demand now and will continue to be in high demand, according to the UWV:

  • Healthcare (e.g. nursing)

  • Education (e.g. teacher)

  • Engineering (e.g. mechanic)

  • IT (e.g. software developer)

  • Transportation and logistics (e.g. driver)

Many of these jobs have been promising for a long time and remain so. In the Netherlands, there is more work than people looking for work. This means that there are many jobs available.

You do not usually need specific training for these promising professions

There are also jobs you can get into without specific training. For example:

  • Traffic controller

  • Kitchen assistant

  • Catering staff

  • Pharmacy sales staff

  • Customer contact employees

Often you will receive training or an on-the-job training program for this purpose. Or you can sometimes get certain certifications through your work.

Working in the Netherlands

On this page you can read more about working in the Netherlands.

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The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
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