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Information on renewing your sticker or card

Published at: 07/03/2023, 00:00

Temporary protection for Ukrainian refugees has been extended until 4 March 2024. The IND will send you a letter with information about the extension of your sticker. This letter, together with the sticker, serves as proof that your stay has been extended.

Information on renewing your sticker or card

This letter from the IND is sent to the address at which you are registered with the municipality (BRP). The letter from the IND stating that your stay has been extended and your old sticker together serve as proof that you are allowed to stay. You will not receive a new sticker, but rather a letter.

Questions about the letter

If you have not received a letter yet and you fall under temporary protection, call the IND. If the letter has been sent, you will also find it online in 'Mijn IND'. But you must keep the paper letter as proof of residence. You can also call the IND if you have a question about your details in the letter. The phone number of the IND is: 088 043 04 30.

Help on reading the letter

If you need help reading the letter, or you have questions about what you still need to do for the extension, VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN) holds consultation hours at locations throughout the Netherlands. VWN is an independent human rights organisation that has stood up for the interests of asylum seekers and refugees in the Netherlands for more than 40 years. Or make an appointment for an online consultation with one of VWN's staff members.

No Ukrainian citizenship

If you do not have Ukrainian citizenship but had a temporary residence permit in Ukraine, you will get a different letter

. It says you are under the Temporary Protection Directive until 4 September 2023. You won't get a renewal letter as proof, but a new card. You can read what else changes for you if you don't have Ukrainian citizenship in this article

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The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
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