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Allowances: what do they mean for you?

Published at: 16/01/2023, 00:00

As of 20 July 2022, the government will make advance payments of childcare and rent allowances for 'kinderopvangtoeslag' and 'huurtoeslag', in anticipation of a change in the law. This means that refugees from Ukraine can receive childcare and rent allowances after all.

Childcare allowance and rent allowance for refugees from Ukraine

These advance payments are made to refugees from Ukraine who, after an upcoming change in the law, would be entitled to rent allowance or childcare allowance. It was previously not possible for refugees from Ukraine to apply for childcare or rent allowances due to a problem in the law. The government now believes that these two allowances are potentially so important for refugees from Ukraine that they have already started to pay advances in anticipation of the upcoming change in the law.

If you would like to know more about the conditions for rent allowance or childcare allowance, or would like to know more about the other allowances in the Netherlands, check out the page about Allowances

on RefugeeHelp.

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The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
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