This page lists organisations that can support you with different services. VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN), as part of RefugeeHelp, offers several services. In addition, RefugeeHelp works with several partner organisations that can help you. Get in touch with the organisation that can best help you.

Digital consultation hour
At VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN) you can make an appointment for digital consultation hours. During this consultation hour, you get 1-on-1 social and legal support for your personal situation. A VWN employee will give you independent advice during this appointment.
NL | EN | RU | UK

WhatsApp helpline
VluchtelingenWerk (VWN) Nederland answers your short questions via WhatsApp. VWN employees also refer you to where you can find information yourself or get help.
NL | RU | UK | EN
Mon to Fri from 09:00 to 17:00
We will answer your question within 3 hours
+ 31 6 352 500 18
Services from our partners

Free online marketplace
Looking for free items? The online marketplace Goods for Refugees offers free used items for refugees such as clothing, furniture and appliances.
NL | EN | RU | UK | FR | TR | AR | SO | TI | FA

Help desk participate in the Netherlands
The Welcome App help desk answers your questions about how to participate in the Netherlands. The Welcome App will answer your questions directly or refer you to other organisations for more difficult questions.
NL | EN | AR | UK | RU | TI | TR

Help in finding family
Have you lost contact with a family member? The Red Cross' Restoring Family Links department helps with the search for missing family members and restoring contact.
NL | EN | AR | FR | FA | RU | UK | SO | TI | TR | PR
070 44 55 822

WhatsApp helpline
Are you new to the Netherlands and do you have questions or need advice on medical assistance, shelter, safety, food or other support? Red Cross volunteers can help you find support and services in your area. You can contact them Monday to Friday between 10:00 and 18:00.
NL | EN | RU | AR | FR | UK | TR
+31 97 010 286 964

Help desk life in the Netherlands
Open Embassy helps you with questions about education, work, language, healthcare and living in the Netherlands. The help desk can help you find an answer to your question about your new life in the Netherlands.
NL | EN | AR | PR | SO
+31 6 42962696 (WhatsApp)

Child rights help desk
The migration child rights help desk offers free legal advice on children's rights and migration to children and (foster) parents. Lawyers at the help desk answer your questions or help when children's rights may be violated.
071 516 09 80

Helpline for psychological problems
The MIND Helpline offers free support for psychological problems. You can come here with questions about your own mental health or that of a loved one. MIND helpers will give you advice and help you find the right care.
+316 138 638 03
0900 1450