Conversation with a doctor
Source: Drazen Zigic

What you need to know if you have a healthcare appointment and do not speak Dutch

Last updated: 11/03/2025, 09:37

Do you have a healthcare appointment and do not speak Dutch? Then you may bring your own interpreter or acquaintance to translate your conversation. You can also use an official interpreter. Read more about this in this article.

You can use an interpreter during your appointment

Do you not yet speak Dutch well and have an appointment with the doctor, psychologist, midwife, dentist or at the hospital? Then the doctor can use an interpreter. This interpreter is free of charge for you. An interpreter allows you and the doctor to understand each other better.

Tell them you need an interpreter when you make the appointment. You can also indicate whether you would prefer a man or a woman as an interpreter. The doctor then makes the appointment with the interpreter service. At the time of the appointment, the doctor calls the interpreter. The interpreter translates the conversation over the phone. In difficult situations or problems, an interpreter may also be present during the conversation. The doctor decides if this is necessary. There are doctors who do not want to arrange an interpreter or do not know how to do so. You can then point them to the leaflet 'Zo schakelt u een tolk in' (how to use an interpreter).

You may bring an adult acquaintance or family member to translate

You can also choose to bring an adult acquaintance or family member to translate.

does not recommend having a child translate a conversation.

You can use a translation app during your appointment

Can you not manage to arrange an interpreter? Then you can always use a translation app as well.

Translating a website or text with Google

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The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
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