Conditions for working in the Netherlands if you have fled from Ukraine
You can work as a refugee from Ukraine in paid employment, as long as you meet some conditions. You can read more about this on this page.
You must meet four requirements
You are covered by the
.Temporary Protection Directive (TPD)You are registered in the
.Dutch population register (BRP)You have a
.citizen service number (BSN)You will need a valid
proof of residence
You may receive wages in a foreign bank account
By law, your employer must deposit your wages into a bank account. This means that the wages come into your own account. The Dutch Labor Inspectorate can use a bank statement to verify that you receive the minimum wage. You may also receive your wages in a foreign bank account. When checked, the employer shows the debit and you show the credit.
If the Yoursafe account is in your name and is a bank account, wages may be deposited into it. The account must comply with the rules of a personal bank account.
Your employer must report it to the UWV
Your prospective employer must notify the
Rules for working if you are under 18 years old
If you are under 18, special rules apply for working in the Netherlands. This also applies to refugees. Children from 5 to 16 must go to school. This is called compulsory education. If you do not have a high school diploma, you have to go to school until you are 18.
Your age determines how much you can work and what work you can do. Read below for each age what to look out for: