Applying for a job if you have fled from Ukraine
Would you like to apply for a job? This page tells you how applying for a job in the Netherlands works.
Preparing a CV
If you have found a job opening, the employer will usually ask you to send a CV. A CV is a short written summary of your career. You can read below what a CV should include:
A CV is a document containing:
Contact information; at least your first and last name, email address and phone number
Work experience, from most recent to least recent
Education, from most recent to least recent
Young Capital
Writing a cover letter
In addition to a CV, an employer often asks for a cover letter. In a cover letter, you explain why you are qualified for the position and why you want to work for this employer.
Employers usually want a Dutch or English letter. If you are not proficient in either of these languages, ask for help from someone close to you to write or check your letter.
This is how to write a good cover letter
Find out what kind of company it is. Whether the company culture is formal or informal will determine how formal your letter should be.
Make sure your language matches the language used in the job posting. Use the same kind of words.
Describe your education and work experiences that align with the position.
Make the letter personal.
Make sure your letter is a maximum of one A4 page.
Have you applied? It usually takes no more than 2 weeks until you get a response. You can always call the employer or send an email about your application if you do not hear anything for a long time.
If the company is interested, several applicants are often invited to interview.
Invited to a job interview
If you have applied for a job opening and have been invited for an interview, each company varies on exactly how the application process works. It often consists of several rounds:
1st interview
2nd interview
Employment interview
Below you can read what the different rounds entail:
1st interview
2nd interview
Signing your contract for a new job
In the Netherlands, you sign a contract when you start work. Before you draw up a contract, you talk with your employer to agree on important topics. For example, you make agreements about:
How much you will earn
How many hours you will work
Which days you will work on
How many leave days you will have
If you agree on the important matters, you sign a contract. All working conditions are set out in your contract. You are also entitled to paid leave under certain circumstances, such as maternity leave, parental leave and care leave.