A child waves the Ukrainian flag.
Source: Anna Pasichnyk / Shutterstock

Commemorate the invasion of Ukraine at these rallies

Last updated: 23/02/2025, 16:34

In order to commemorate the invasion of Ukraine, you can go to commemorative events on 22, 23 and 24 February 2025. Because on Monday, 24 February it will be 3 years since the invasion of Ukraine. You can attend for free. Read below where you can go.

“Lost voices, Unbroken spirit: An Art Route”

VATAHA Foundation is organising a two-day commemoration in Rotterdam and The Hague. There will be music, poetry, film and art, celebrating Ukrainian culture.

Solidarity march and peaceful demonstration

In Amsterdam, you can participate in a solidarity march. The goal is to show that unity between Ukrainians and foreigners has become stronger.

Silent march: "Hearts and Minds for Ukraine"

In Utrecht, a silent march through the city is organised to commemorate the invasion. Young people here carry a model of a Mriya plane, the symbol of strength. The silent march ends on the Domplein in Utrecht, with music and a short speech.

Commemorations in cities throughout the Netherlands

In several cities, the Remember Together Alliance is organising commemorations. In these cities, you can join a silent march through the city. A minute of silence is also held in each city. There are speeches, music played and exhibitions opened.

  • Locations & Date: Zaandam, Maastricht, Haarlem, Utrecht, Arnhem, Zwolle, The Hague, 24 February 2025

  • Organiser: Remember Together Alliance

  • Programme:See the full programme by city here

  • Sign up: Not required

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The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
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