Check whether you are entitled to rent reduction
If you rent a home with a housing association, you may be entitled to a rent reduction – even if you have received a letter stating that your rent is increasing. This article explains the conditions and whether you need to take action.
Conditions for rent reduction
As of 1 July 2023, you are entitled to rent reduction if you meet the following conditions:
You earn less than 120 percent of the
.social minimumYou have been renting a home or trailer from a housing association since 1 March 2023 or earlier.
You pay more than €575.03 (in 2023) per month in basic rent for the house or trailer. The basic rent is the rent without service charges.
If your rent began after 1 March 2023, you cannot apply for a low-income rent reduction.
Dutch tax authorities: overview of social minimum
Your income is known to the Dutch tax authorities: you do not need to arrange anything
If you meet the conditions and your income for 2021 is known to the
Your income is not known to the Dutch tax authorities: object to rent increase before 12 July
If you started living in the municipality between 1 January 2022 and 1 March 2023, and in 2021 you only received living allowance from the
You probably received a letter from the housing association stating that the rent for your home will be increased as of 1 July. If you meet the above conditions, you can object to this rent increase. This is also possible if you earn less now than in 2021 and therefore meet the conditions now.
Send a letter as soon as possible
If you can prove that you have a low income, you can apply for rent reduction yourself at the housing association. For this, you must be able to show at least from the last 6 months that you earn less than 120 percent of the social minimum.
Many housing associations have a form on their website that allows you to do this – however, this is not always the case. Below is a sample letter you can use to request a rent reduction. Attach proof of the past 6 months of household income to the letter.
Send the letter to the housing association as soon as possible and in any case before 12 July. You cannot apply for the rent reduction retroactively. If you are too late, you will pay the higher rent until the housing association has processed your letter.
Support with making objections
Your contact person at
If you are no longer receiving social assistance and if there is no other organisation in your municipality where you can go with legal questions, contact 'Het Juridisch Loket' if you need support. You can contact '
Rental allowance? Report changes
If your rent changes, this usually affects your entitlement to rent allowance. If the rent is reduced, you must report this to the Dutch tax authorities within 4 weeks via 'Mijn toeslagen'. In most cases, your rent allowance will then also be reduced.