Train rides through Dutch landscape
Source: Nederlandse Spoorwegen

Public transport in the Netherlands

Last updated: 09/01/2025, 14:20

Below is an overview of the most important information about travelling and transportation within the Netherlands.

Entering the Netherlands for free

Upon arrival in the Netherlands, you may enter the Netherlands for free on

Nederlandse Spoorwegen (Ns)
trains. You can do so by showing your Ukrainian ID and a German, Belgian, French or Austrian ticket that is not older than 24 hours. With this proof, you can pick up a free day ticket at the Tickets and Service counters at the (larger) train stations of NS.

You are no longer allowed to travel the Netherlands by other public transportation for free since 1 June 2022. You must purchase a valid ticket such as an public transport chip card to travel with public transportation.

Travelling with a valid ticket

In the Netherlands, you need an public transport chip card to travel on public transport. You can buy the public transport chip card at stations, in various stores and supermarkets as well as online. If you want to travel by train in the Netherlands, the

offers various season tickets. They allow you to travel with a discount, for example. A train season ticket must be linked to your public transport chip card. So even with a subscription you need an public transport chip card.

Public transport chip card

More information about applying for the card can be found on the public transport chip card website

Train season tickets

You can find further information about train season tickets on the NS website

Assistance with public transportation

Travelling by public transportation in the Netherlands can be difficult. Public transport ambassadors are ready to help you. These are volunteers, seniors and experienced public transport users who support others in using Dutch public transport.

You can participate in an online information session, visit a walk-in clinic or take a trial trip. In a small group, a public transport ambassador will explain to you step by step how to apply for and use a public transport chip card, for example.

Would you like to take advantage of this? You can contact them via e-mail at or call (038) 303 70 10. They can be reached Monday to Friday.

For more information, contact

Discounts on public transportation

Planning your journey by public transportation

Cycling from a train station

Did this information help you?

The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
In collaboration with Contentful