You are entitled to healthcare through the RMO
If you are in the Netherlands and covered by the Temporary Protection Directive (TPD), your healthcare will be paid for via the Medical Care for Displaced Persons Regulation (RMO). You will find all the important information about the RMO on this page.
This is how the Medical Care for Displaced Persons Regulations (RMO) works
If you have a Ukrainian passport or ID card and a
The RMO pays for all the basic care you need. For example, if you go to the GP, the GP will arrange the costs with the RMO. You do not have to do anything for this yourself, just show your passport or your BSN. You do not have to have health insurance. And you cannot apply for
RMO fact sheet
The regulation covers this basic care for you
The RMO reimburses all basic care. In addition, the RMO also reimburses for this care:
Oral care in case of acute pain up to 350 euros (1x per year) since 1 July 2022;
Glasses and hearing aids (with permission);
Specific medicines;
Abortion care.
Please note: Did you receive abortion care between 1 March and 1 July 2022? Then your healthcare provider can still claim these costs via the RMO, from 1 August onwards.
RMO website
This is what you need to know about oral healthcare within the RMO
From 1 July 2022, the Regulation on Medical Care of Displaced Persons (RMO) will apply to refugees from Ukraine, who are registered in the BRP and have a BSN. The RMO reimburses only for acute pain symptoms up to 350 euros (once a year). For urgent emergencies, you can basically go to any dental practice in the Netherlands.
In principle, the orthodontist is not reimbursed. TopOrtho's 16 orthodontic practices in the Netherlands offer emergency orthodontic care up to 350 euros free of charge to refugees.
This is what you need to arrange when you go abroad
Are you going on a trip abroad? Then ask for permission from the Regulation Medical Care Ukraine (RMO). This is important if you incur unexpected healthcare costs abroad, because the RMO usually does not reimburse healthcare costs you incur there. There are exceptions, such as when you have prior permission to travel abroad or if it is emergency care.
RMO information when abroad
Here is how to request your RMO insurance number
If you have a BSN and proof of residence, you also have an RMO insurance number. You only need to look up this number if your healthcare provider asks for it. Want to know your insurance number? Then call the RMO helpline: 085 - 0501 420. Please provide your BSN, date of birth and last name.