Opening current account via computer
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This is how to open a bank account in the Netherlands

Last updated: 08/11/2024, 15:26

If you fall under the Temporary Protection Directive (RTB), you can open a bank account in the Netherlands. Here you will find information on how to open a Dutch payment account.

Requirements to open a bank account

You can open a bank account by presenting a Ukrainian biometric passport or ID card. It is also possible to open a payment account with a different proof of identity. You can read more about this in the subcategory opening a payment account with a different proof of identity.

With almost all banks, you need a

citizen service number (BSN)
. You also need a (residential) address, phone number and e-mail address. A current account has an IBAN, which is an account number, a debit card and the option to do (international) banking via internet banking.

Payment account for Ukrainians without valid ID

Here you will find information about how to open a payment account if you are a Ukrainian without valid ID or have another citizenship.

Providers of payment accounts

The following banks offer payment accounts for refugees from Ukraine:


  • Bitsafe: only a Ukrainian ID, passport or driver's licence is required. So you do not need a citizen service number (BSN).

  • Bunq: your BSN only needs to be provided after opening a bank account. Bunq also has options for Ukrainians to open a payment account with a different ID.

  • ING

  • Rabobank (You can also open an account here with a valid or expired passport from another country along with a Ukrainian residence permit that was valid on 24 February 2022)

  • Regiobank

  • SNS Bank

  • Triodos Bank

Sending money abroad

There are several companies that offer services for transferring money abroad. Two major international companies are Moneygram and Western Union.


You can find the link to Moneygram here

Did this information help you?

The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
In collaboration with Contentful