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This is where you stay during the asylum procedure if you are under 18 years old

Last updated: 10/15/2024, 1:40 PM

Are you younger than 18 and apply for asylum in the Netherlands without your family? Then there is special reception centre for you. Read here which special reception centre is arranged for you in the Netherlands.

The organisation Nidos supports you in finding a good reception centre

Are you younger than 18 and applying for asylum in Ter Apel? Then you will also get an interview with an employee of

. Nidos is an organisation that supports you if you are under 18 and have fled to the Netherlands without parents. Nidos arranges a place in a reception centre for you together with the
Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA)
. And you will get a
from Nidos who is responsible for you in the Netherlands. As your parents are not in the Netherlands, the guardian takes over that task from them until you are an adult. Your guardian makes sure you are well taken care of and helps you make important decisions. Often your guardian also guides you during the asylum procedure.

Are you applying for asylum at Schiphol Airport? If so, your asylum application will also be processed in Ter Apel.

The Royal Netherlands Marechaussee (KMar)
at Schiphol Airport does register you and takes fingerprints. Then the KMar arranges for someone to take you to Ter Apel.

If you are under 15 years old you will live with a host family
  • If you are younger than 15, you will live with a host family from Nidos. This is also called a foster family. Nidos looks to see if there is a family that suits you. They look at your background and your culture. If it does not click with the host family, you can tell your guardian at Nidos.

  • If there is not enough room at Nidos, when you are 13 or 14 you sometimes go to a small-scale reception centre run by COA. There you also live in a kind of family. There are rules and agreements, you have to go to bed on time, and you and the other residents are required to eat together several times a week.

If you are older than 15 you will live in a special reception centre with other young people

Are you between 15 and 18 years old? Then you will stay in a special reception location for young people. The Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA) or

arrange this place in a reception centre for you.

If you are under 18 you may not live in an emergency reception centre

If you are under 18, you always live in a special reception centre for young people. If COA does give you reception in an

emergency reception centre
, it is against the rules. In the Netherlands, if you are younger than 18, you always have the right to education and appropriate guidance. And you only get that in a special reception centre for young people. In the emergency reception centre there is no school or guidance for you.

You may end up living in an emergency reception centre or a reception centre with only adults because the IND thinks you are of age. Then it is important that you can prove that this is not the case. Immediately contact your COA contact person at the emergency reception centre or at

VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN)
and tell them that you are a minor and cannot be accommodated here. Even if you do not yet have official papers proving that you are a minor. COA and VWN can look together with you at what you can do best. If necessary, VWN can also arrange a lawyer for you.

When you turn 18 you will attend an adult reception centre

Are you turning 18 and the

Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)
has not yet made a decision on your asylum application? Then you will move to a reception location for adults (AZC). In the Netherlands you are an adult as soon as you turn 18. You no longer have a guardian. If you are still following a (school) education at that time, you may complete it.

Where you will live after the asylum procedure depends on the IND's decision

Do you receive an asylum residence permit and are still a minor? Then if you are over 15, you will probably move from the reception centre for young people to a

small housing unit (KWE)
for young people.

If you do not receive a residence permit, you will stay with COA until you have to leave the Netherlands. You have the right to a place in a reception centre until you have to leave for your country of origin.

  • In that case, the

    Immigration and Naturalisation Service (IND)
    must first investigate whether reception is possible for you in the country of origin, for example with your parents, other relatives or general reception facilities in the country. And whether you can go there.

  • If reception in the country of origin is not possible, you may stay in the Netherlands until you turn 18. After that, you still have to return to your country of origin.

In practice, you are usually allowed to stay in the Netherlands until you turn 18. The investigation that the IND has to do in your country of origin usually takes a lot of time. Therefore, it is often decided that you may stay in the Netherlands first.

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