LGBTQIA+ individuals may face discrimination, harassment or violence in reception centres. Organisations like Roze in Blauw can help.
Source: Veiligheid voor lbhtqia+-personen

You can get extra support in the reception centre as an LGBTQIA+ person

Last updated: 10/14/2024, 9:08 AM

During the asylum procedure, you may encounter discrimination, intimidation or violence. For example, by other asylum seekers in the reception centre where you live. This is not allowed under Dutch law. And this behaviour is punishable. There are organisations that can help you.

Here is where you can go for support

Do you not feel safe in the reception centre where you live? Go to your contact at the

Central Agency for the Reception of Asylum Seekers (COA)
or to
VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN)
. Or discuss serious incidents with your lawyer. They might be able to help with a transfer request.

LGBT Asylum Support can support you

Can COA or VWN not help you properly? Then there are also LGBTQIA+ organisations that can help you. You can contact LGBT Asylum Support

if you need quick help with discrimination or want to report it to the police. They can support you and talk to COA or other organisations with you.

Always contact the police if you are in danger

Always call 112 if you are in immediate danger. 112 is the emergency number in the Netherlands.

You can also contact Roze in Blauw

. This is a special group within the police for LGBTQIA+ individuals. Are you facing discrimination or other problems, such as date rape or blackmail? Then you can come to them.

Call Roze in Blauw op (088) 169 12 34 or send an e-mail to:

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