Return Colombia

If you are thinking about returning to your country of origin, this page about Colombia will provide you with information about what allowances are available and which organisations can help you return.

Independent return to your country of origin

Choosing to return to your country yourself is not easy. Sometimes it is difficult to return for practical reasons. For example, if you do not have the necessary travel documents.

Sometimes there are emotional reasons that make the decision to return difficult. For example, feelings of shame, failure or uncertainty about the future. Sometimes you also have to rebuild a social network in your country and search for a home and job.

If you are thinking about leaving the Netherlands, several organisations can help you return to your country of origin. Help from these organisations is free.

Allowances for returning

Basic allowance (REAN)

You will receive a basic allowance according to the REAN scheme. REAN stands for 'Return and Emigration Assistance from the Netherlands'. The REAN scheme reimburses:

  • Support

  • An airline ticket

  • Assistance in obtaining travel documents

  • 200 in cash for an adult and €40 for a child travelling with you. You will receive this cash at Schiphol on the day of departure.

The International Organization for Migration (IOM) arranges this allowance for you. The organisation helping you return can apply to IOM for the allowance on your behalf.

Organisations that can help you in the Netherlands

Cooperation organisations in country of origin

VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN) works in Colombia with a local partner organisation that works independently of the government. Our partner assists returnees (both individuals and families) in establishing a new life.

The partner organisation has extensive experience in supporting returnees from Western Europe. It can accommodate returnees at the airport, help in the search for (temporary) housing and support them in setting up a small business or finding work.

It also helps to find suitable training or education, useful contacts and networks, and refers clients to health institutions where necessary. VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN) keeps in touch with the partner organisation for up to a year after return to hear how you are doing.

The other organisations also often work with a local partner in your country of origin. Which one this is and what the partner can do for you may vary.