Two men look at the RefugeeHelp website on their phones.
Source: VluchtelingenWerk Nederland

RefugeeHelp: the online starting point for you

Published at: 15/03/2023, 00:00

Welcome to RefugeeHelp! You will find information here for all refugees in the Netherlands. RefugeeHelp replaces the ForRefugees website and is the online platform for information about your situation.

RefugeeHelp now for you too

RefugeeHelp started last year as an online platform for refugees from Ukraine.

VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN)
, together with 28 other organisations, started the website RefugeeHelp to help refugees from Ukraine get the best possible information.

The website has now been expanded to provide the right information to all refugees in the Netherlands.

Your own homepage

There is a separate homepage for each situation containing information about that specific situation. These include:

  • People who have requested asylum in the Netherlands

  • People with a residence permit asylum

  • People who have exhausted all legal remedies and must officially return to their country of origin

If you have previously looked on the ForRefugees website for information, you can now visit RefugeeHelp. All the information you could previously find on ForRefugees is now on RefugeeHelp.

Information in your own language

The expansion of RefugeeHelp is available in a total of 11 languages. Previously, RefugeeHelp was available in Ukrainian, Russian, English and Dutch. RefugeeHelp has Now added 7 languages. So you can read information in your own language.

Information and news

On RefugeeHelp you will find information about, among other things: the asylum procedure, returning to your country of origin, family reunification, civic integration, finding work, education and healthcare in the Netherlands.

You will also find articles on RefugeeHelp about current events that are important for you to know about.

Your opinion counts for RefugeeHelp

We are developing RefugeeHelp together with people who have fled. In recent months, we have spoken with more than 600 refugees. Based on those conversations, RefugeeHelp has adapted the website's design and the information available on it.

The information on RefugeeHelp is constantly expanding. If you are missing any information or have any other feedback, we are still processing the feedback we have already received.

Soon you will find a suggestion box on every page of RefugeeHelp. You can use this to let us know what kind of information you are missing.

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Did this information help you?

The information you will find on this platform comes from the human rights organisation VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, in cooperation with its partners.
In collaboration with Contentful