David lived in the Netherlands for 20 years without a residence permit. But after years without a permanent place to live and little money, he decided to return to his native Ghana. The farm David dreamed of in the Netherlands now really exists. He works there together with his brother and grows yam and bambara beans.
Source: Eigen foto familie David
"I was given space to properly prepare for my return"
Last updated: 10/15/2024, 3:18 PM

David lived in the Netherlands for 20 years without a residence permit. But after years without a permanent place to live and little money, he decided to return to his native Ghana. "Without Akke's help, I would not have dared to take this step."

During the past few years in the Netherlands, David was almost always sick and was worried about his health. Due to his illness, he received special help for people without residence permits in Amsterdam. He received shelter from the

Landelijk Vreemdeling Voorziening (National Foreign Nationals Facility) Programme (LVV program)
. Finally, David no longer had to worry about where to sleep or what to eat. He also received guidance from Akke from
VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN)
to find a solution to his situation.

"Akke from VWN made me feel like I could make my own choice"

One of the possible solutions to his situation was to return to his country of origin. David: "I told Akke about my doubts about going back to Ghana. She made me feel that I could make my own choice. And explained how VWN could support me. She also put me in touch with Grace who works in Ghana for the organisation ERSO. I heard from Grace how things were now in Ghana and how she could help me. My medical situation was also sorted out well. The medication and treatment turned out to be available for me in Ghana."

"I gradually began to believe in a new future"

With VWN's support, David also wrote a business plan for his return to Ghana. He wanted to start a farming business there on his father's land. His father had died while David was in the Netherlands. The municipality of Amsterdam was impressed by his story and his plans. And made extra money available. David: "I began to believe in a new future in Ghana."

"After all these years, everything looked different in Ghana."

Eventually, David decides to return to Ghana. "I was given space by Akke and Grace to prepare properly. So when I decided to return, I knew I had made the right decision." And he is now happy to be living in Ghana again, close to his mother. Even though he had to get used to it. "Everything did look different after all these years. There were suddenly tall buildings and people seemed thinner."

The farm David dreamed of in the Netherlands now really exists. He works there with his brother and grows yam and bambara beans. This year he also planted cashew. David: "They are still young trees now. Next year I expect the first harvest. If that goes well, I'm set".

Do you also want to return to your country of origin? Here you can read how to get help:
You decide whether or not you want to return to your country of origin. If you decide for yourself to return to your country of origin, you can get support.

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